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The information you provide beyond your first name, last name, and club is strictly for record-keeping and contact purposes. A condition of entry into the competition is providing this information. Your name and club may be displayed should one of your entries place, but no other information will be made public.

To register, create your account by filling out the fields below.

= Required Info

Email addresses serve as user names.
Choose one. This question will be used to verify your identity should you forget your password.
Make your security answer something only you will easily remember!
Please enter only one person's name. You will be able to identify a co-brewer when adding your entries.
Select "Shipping Entries" if you plan to box up and send your entries to the provided Shipping Location. Select "Not Applicable" if you don't plan to submit any entries into the competition at this time.
Select "None" if you are not affiliated with a club. If your club is not on the list, contact the "Dataguy" to have it added.

Have you already been awarded a Pro-Am opportunity to compete in the upcoming Great American Beer Festival Pro-Am Competition?

Or, are you, or have you ever been, employed on the brewing staff at any brewery? This includes brewer positions as well as lab technicians, cellar crew, bottling/canning crew, etc. Current and former brewing staff employees are not eligible to participate in the Great American Beer Festival Pro-Am competition.

If you have already been awarded a Pro-Am, or have been on the brewing staff at any brewery, please indicate so here. This will help competition staff and Pro-Am brewery representatives (if applicable for this competition) to choose Pro-Am entries from brewers that have not secured one.
Only American Homebrewers Association members are eligible for a Great American Beer Festival Pro-Am opportunity.

Are you willing to serve as a staff member in this competition?

Competition staff are people that serve in various roles to assist in the organization and execution of the competition before, during, and after judging. Judges and stewards can also serve as staff members. Staff members can earn BJCP points if the competition is sanctioned.

Are you willing to serve as a steward in this competition?

A "Yes" or "No" response is required for each location below.

Grapevine 02/15 56-Amber Malty European Lager (02/15/2025 7:00 AM, CST)

Grapevine 02/15 93-Specialty Cider And Perry (02/15/2025 7:00 AM, CST)

Arlington 02/15 64-Scottish And Irish Ale (02/15/2025 8:00 AM, CST)

Arlington 02/15 92-Cider And Perry (02/15/2025 8:00 AM, CST)

Dallas 02/15 89-Traditional Mead - NTHBS (02/15/2025 8:00 AM, CST)

Keller 02/15 58-Dark European Lager (02/15/2025 8:00 AM, CST)

Keller 02/15 73-Specialty IPA (02/15/2025 8:00 AM, CST)

Arlington 02/15 61-British Bitter (02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST)

Arlington 02/7 83-Spice Herb Vegetable Beer (02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST)

Dallas 02/15 90-Melomel - NTHBS (02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST)

Grapevine 02/15 65-Stout And Porter (02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST)

Grapevine 02/15 79-Saison (02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST)

Keller 02/15 85-Wee Heavy And Smoke (02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST)

Arlington 02/21 81-Strong Dark Belgain Ale (02/21/2025 7:00 PM, CST)

Dallas 02/21 75-Strong American Ale - NTHBS (02/21/2025 7:00 PM, CST)

Grapevine 02/21 86-Wood Aged Beer (02/21/2025 7:00 PM, CST)

Grapevine 02/21 91-Spiced And Specialty Mead (02/21/2025 7:00 PM, CST)

Keller 02/21 76-European Sour Ale (02/21/2025 7:00 PM, CST)

Arlington 02/22 52-Light Ale (02/22/2025 9:00 AM, CST)

Arlington 02/22 78-Belgian Blonde And Single (02/22/2025 9:00 AM, CST)

Dallas 02/22 69-Amber And Brown American Beer - NTHBS (02/22/2025 9:00 AM, CST)

Grapevine 02/22 51-Pale Lager (02/22/2025 9:00 AM, CST)

Grapevine 02/22 54-Pale Bitter European Beer (02/22/2025 9:00 AM, CST)

Dallas 02/22 84-Autumn Winter Seasonal - NTHBS (02/22/2025 1:00 PM, CST)

Grapevine 02/22 87-American Wild Ale (02/22/2025 1:00 PM, CST)

Grapevine 02/22 88-Specialty Beer (02/22/2025 1:00 PM, CST)

Keller 02/22 53-Pale Malty European Lager (02/22/2025 1:00 PM, CST)

Keller 02/22 67-Strong British Ale (02/22/2025 1:00 PM, CST)

My participation in this judging is entirely voluntary. I know that participation in this judging involves consumption of alcoholic beverages and that this consumption may affect my perceptions and reactions.