Bluebonnet Brew-Off for 2025 - Log In
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Judging Sessions and Dates
Grapevine 02/07 72-American IPA
02/07/2025 7:00 PM, CST.
Grapevine 02/08 66-British Stout
02/08/2025 9:00 AM, CST.
02/09/2025 12:05 AM, CST.
Grapevine 02/15 56-Amber Malty European Lager
02/15/2025 7:00 AM, CST.
Grapevine 02/15 93-Specialty Cider And Perry
02/15/2025 7:00 AM, CST.
Arlington 02/15 64-Scottish And Irish Ale
02/15/2025 8:00 AM, CST.
Arlington 02/15 92-Cider And Perry
02/15/2025 8:00 AM, CST.
Dallas 02/15 89-Traditional Mead - NTHBS
02/15/2025 8:00 AM, CST.
Keller 02/15 58-Dark European Lager
02/15/2025 8:00 AM, CST.
Keller 02/15 73-Specialty IPA
02/15/2025 8:00 AM, CST.
Arlington 02/15 61-British Bitter
02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST.
Arlington 02/7 83-Spice Herb Vegetable Beer
02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST.
Dallas 02/15 90-Melomel - NTHBS
02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST.
Grapevine 02/15 65-Stout And Porter
02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST.
Grapevine 02/15 79-Saison
02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST.
Keller 02/15 85-Wee Heavy And Smoke
02/15/2025 12:00 PM, CST.
Arlington 02/21 81-Strong Dark Belgain Ale
02/21/2025 7:00 PM, CST.
Dallas 02/21 75-Strong American Ale - NTHBS
02/21/2025 7:00 PM, CST.
Grapevine 02/21 86-Wood Aged Beer
02/21/2025 7:00 PM, CST.
Grapevine 02/21 91-Spiced And Specialty Mead
02/21/2025 7:00 PM, CST.
Keller 02/21 76-European Sour Ale
02/21/2025 7:00 PM, CST.
Arlington 02/22 52-Light Ale
02/22/2025 9:00 AM, CST.
Arlington 02/22 78-Belgian Blonde And Single
02/22/2025 9:00 AM, CST.
Dallas 02/22 69-Amber And Brown American Beer - NTHBS
02/22/2025 9:00 AM, CST.
Grapevine 02/22 51-Pale Lager
02/22/2025 9:00 AM, CST.
Grapevine 02/22 54-Pale Bitter European Beer
02/22/2025 9:00 AM, CST.
Dallas 02/22 84-Autumn Winter Seasonal - NTHBS
02/22/2025 1:00 PM, CST.
Grapevine 02/22 87-American Wild Ale
02/22/2025 1:00 PM, CST.
Grapevine 02/22 88-Specialty Beer
02/22/2025 1:00 PM, CST.
Keller 02/22 53-Pale Malty European Lager
02/22/2025 1:00 PM, CST.
Account Registration is Open for Judges or Stewards Only
Account registrations accepted 12/28/2024 12:00 AM, CST through 02/07/2025 7:00 PM, CST.
Registrations for judges or stewards accepted 12/28/2024 12:00 AM, CST through 02/23/2025 12:00 AM, CST.
Entry Registration Closed
Entry Drop-Off Closed
Please pay attention to the notes provided for each drop-off location. There could be earlier deadlines for some drop-off locations listed, particular hours when entries are accepted, certain individuals to leave your entries with, etc. All entrants are responsible for reading the information provided by the organizers for each drop-off location.